Begin SAT Test Prep Now For Spring Test Dates

SAT test dates are coming up soon, and you do not want your teen to be unprepared for this test. Preparing for the SAT test is an undertaking that needs to be taken seriously, and as a parent, it is your job to set the tone. As the following article states, starting early and working with a private tutor to set SAT score goals and learn the test-taking strategies necessary to meet them, is the best means to success on test day.

ACT and SAT Test Prep: To-Do or not To-Do

I’m here to debunk the assumption that preparing for the SAT/ACT is as simple as sitting down and opening the book. Unless you are already within reach of your goal, I would highly recommend that you outline a study plan that will help you achieve your target score. Furthermore, be detailed about your approach. Saying that you’ll study 5 hours a day, may not necessarily be enough. Instead of making a To-Do List, make a To-Do-When-and-Where list. Obviously, at first it will be hard to gauge what you need to work on, but as your progress, it will be a lot easier for you to figure out. Students who take the time to make To-Do-When-and-Where lists are 2.5 times more likely to achieve to success on the SAT/ACT than those who don’t. One last comment — Don’t wait until the last second to get help. If you ever anticipate that you may need some assistance, make sure to get it early. At one of my tutoring centers, we fill up weeks in advance, and usually those students looking for help at the last minute cannot get in.